Change of name
MBS AG becomes MBS AG & Co. KG

Official opening of our new warehouse 24.6.2019
Construction of the new fully automated pallet warehouse began almost a year ago. Together with District Administrator Gerhard Bauer, Mayor Markus Bock, architect Hans-Peter Seibert, the adjoining neighbours as well as employees and the trade companies involved, we are celebrating the official inauguration today.
The special feature of the new warehouse are the 72 thermally activated piles, which enable an efficient and sustainable energy concept.
As a result, we have increased our storage capacity by a further 700 pallet spaces. For you, this means: more flexible – faster – better!
XCTB current transformer series
MBS AG expands its portfolio of products with the XCTB current transformer series for high-precision harmonic measurements at 20 kHz.
40 years of MBS AG
Using energy to transform ideas into products. MBS AG is one of the world’s most prominent manufacturers of low and medium-voltage current transformers and measuring transducers. Its modern industrial buildings have been a Sulzbach landmark for years. Today, MBS provides more than 160 people from 16 nations with a secure job, as well as numerous training places, making it a valuable employer in the region.
Reason enough then to celebrate the company’s anniversary in Sulzbach on the 9th and 10th of June with people who have contributed to the success of MBS. Figures from public life, partners, customers, suppliers, and employees, as well as neighbours, were personally invited to join in the celebrations at Uhlbachhof.
MBS is in the TOP 100
For the 23rd time, the TOP 100 awards are presented to the German SME sector’s most innovative companies. This year, MBS AG ranks among this innovation elite. In preparation for this, the company from Sulzbach-Laufen took part in a rigorous scientific selection process. The company’s innovation management and innovation success are both scrutinised closely. The mentor of the innovation competition, Ranga Yogeshwar, will crown the top innovator at the German SME Summit on 24th June in Essen.
Expansion of the high-bay warehouse
In 2015, the Sulzbach-Laufen site implemented a further high-bay warehouse with 22,000 load carriers as well as two further production halls.
The fully automated high-bay warehouse now has over 40,000 spaces – with 4 robots transporting over 28,000 products in seconds.
A new administration building is also being acquired.
Production of MS transformers
The 28th of November 2012 marked the start of a new era for MBS AG and its partners.That’s because, since this time, MBS AG has been producing not only its extensive range of low voltage current transformers, but also now transformers for medium voltage applications.
From now on, we are able to supply you with MS support current transformers in the 10 N and 20 N series with a slender design compliant with DIN 42600 Part 8.
We are also able to supply you with single-pole and dual-pole insulated voltage transformers in the 10 N and 20 N series in the designs described in the DIN 42600 standard.
Production facility opens in Hungary
With a production area of around 9,000 m2, a further production facility is opened in Hungary in the summer for the manufacture of electronic components.
New-generation current transformers – CTB current transformer series
As 2010 begins, MBS AG has expanded its product portfolio to include the new CTB current transformer series.
The new CTB current transformer type offers not only a higher maximum operating voltage (Um < 1.2 kV), but also a higher isolation test voltage (6 kV Ueff, 1 min., 50 Hz) and a higher operating temperature range (-5 °C < T < +50 °C).
The new CTBs also feature a new, screwless connection technology in the form of the “Cage Clamp®” spring-type terminal.
All of the transformers of this type are UL-certified: Certificate number – 20100426-E336996.
Development and start of production of a new current transformer series for use with variable primary conductor dimensions
ASK 205.5 and ASK 165.5 type series
Development of a new current transformer series for direct installation into ABB/Siemens switching strips
AS 176.3 type series
Development and start of production of a new current transformer series with cast multi-core systems
MBS becomes a public limited company
MBS serves its customers in northern Europe directly through its branch office in Cuxhaven
MBS receives the GOST certificate for its entire product portfolio, thereby gaining access to the Russian market
MBS opens its third plant for the production of toroidal cores in Spraitbach, Baden-Württemberg
MBS showcases its extensive product portfolio on an area of 120 m2 at the Hannover Trade Fair
Development and start of production of highly sensitive differential current transformers for use in network protection systems
MBS shows it is open for export business – with branches opening in the United Kingdom and Slovenia
MBS offers its customers the production of customer-specific equipment and continues to expand its portfolio of products. A high-performance warehousing and logistics centre is built at the site in Sulzbach-Laufen.
Start of production of new current converter designs manufactured using PU encapsulation
New series of protection transformers
Special designs for switching strip manufacturers
Market launch of a new series of current converters with divisible, KBU-type measuring system.
MBS achieves fully automated production for semi-finished metal and plastic products
MBS receives the GL Type Approval Certificate from Germanischer Lloyd in recognition of its superlative quality
MBS brings together its back-office services in an architecturally ambitious and functional administration building.
This is where the MBS Group’s main head office is still based today.
Recognition of the MBS quality management system through the award of “DIN EN ISO 9001” by the TÜV Mannheim.
This award opens the door to direct exports to over 20 countries
Development and start of production of the first electronic SWMU-type measuring transducer series
Start of production of further series of measuring transducers (NMC, EMBSIN)
Constant expansion of the currently available transformer designs.
Expansion of the transformer range for the measurement of alternating currents up to 7500 A
MBS expands its product portfolio and its production and warehousing capacities at the site in Sulzbach-Laufen.
Proof of the measuring accuracy and reliable use of MBS products comes with the opening of the EA90 state-recognised main testing centre for electricity measuring equipment, the sponsor of which is MBS Sulzbach Messwandler GmbH
First PTB design approvals for current transformers for use in the ESC sector
Development and provision of increasingly smaller, more compact designs for use in switchgear construction
Founding of MBS Sulzbach Messwandler GmbH by Prof. Wolfgang Gilgen in Sulzbach-Laufen, near Stuttgart, in Baden-Württemberg.
With tremendous innovative strength, MBS starts the production of a manageable array of low-voltage current transformers
Daily production of around 200 units
Constant design improvements with the aim of achieving ongoing expansion of the possible applications
Particular attention is paid to ensuring maximum user safety
The use as standard of a lead-sealable contact guard for secondary connections, for example
Easier assembly thanks to integrated foot and rail mountings